In the Amazon age customers expect rapid time to shipment, even when products are engineered to order. To stay competitive and profitable, you must be able to fulfill customer orders quickly and reliably.
The most effective way to reduce time to shipment
Demand Driven planning is the most effective way to reduce time to shipment. Unlike old-style MRP systems that are driven by long-term forecasts and BOM explostions, demand driven planning only actions on firm demand.
Fits any type of small business manufacturing
DBA Manufacturing is a true demand driven system that fits any type of small business manufacturing environment , including make to order, make to stock, or engineer to order.
Demand Driven MRP
Our version of manufacturing planning is called Demand Driven MRP because it is focused on fulfilling customer orders.
Time to shipment targets are planned for the items you sell and are dynamically calculated from the underlying lead times and order policies of the manufactured and purchased items that comprise your products.
Enables an overall strategy for staying competitive
Common sense item settings enable you to devise an overall time to shipment strategy for staying competitive in your marketplace. Time to shipment targets can be openly shared with managers, workers, buyers, salespeople, and customers to create common goals and standards of performance.
Sales order required dates are automatically established
When you enter a sales order line item, the required date is automatically established by the item’s time to shipment target and provides the demand that drives job generation.
Jobs and purchase orders are generated from firm demand
Jobs and POs are automatically generated from sales order demand in a multi-level, time-phased progression that assures that subassemblies and materials are on hand when needed by job planned start dates.
Jobs are released to production when material becomes available
Materials on hand are allocated to jobs by planned start date so that jobs can safely be released to live production without any risk of shortages. Job finish dates are automatically rescheduled for jobs released later than planned, which makes job scheduling self-adjusting without any need for manual intervention.
Take your efficiency to a new level
Using common sense item settings to reduce time to shipment and drive job and purchase order generation can dramatically boost the efficiency of your manufacturing system. If you’ve hit the efficiency wall with your existing planning methods, replace them with Demand Driven MRP and take your company to a new level of efficiency for the Amazon age.